Lot No. 913
Auction No. | 15 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $800 |
Status | SOLD $800 |
Kangaroos MLH & used range on Seven Seas & other leaves incl 1st wmk to 1/- MLH (excl. 5d & 9d) plus 2/- F/U & 5/- good used. 2nd wmk to 2/- used (excl. 9d) & 3rd wmk to 10/- MLH/used incl 2½d "thick WA coast" MLH, 5/- MLH (tiny thin spot) & used, 10/- used plus £1 grey ovptd "SPECIMEN". Small Mult to 5/- MLH (latter creased) excl. 1/-, CofA wmk 6d to 2/- MLH with 5/- to £1 used plus "SPECIMEN" 10/- & £2 MLH. Also perfined large "OS" to 1/- used, 2/- MLH but foxed top perfs & small "OS" to 2/- used (9d MLH) incl extras. 3rd wmk "OS" used to 10/- (2 of latter), Small Mult to 1/- used & CTO set to 5/-. Also 1914 1d & 6d engraved MLH, KGV 1d rough paper MLH & 1½d black brown thin paper MLH. Cond varies, but largely good to fine. (109)