Lot No. 371
Auction No. | 15 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $150 |
Status | SOLD $110 |
Cook Island MUH, MLH & used on 62 Hagners in binder. Useful 1902-1950 MLH/used range incl Queen Makea/Torea Bird to 1/- with wmk & perf varieties, KGV ovpts to 1/-, 2/- with Rarotonga (2) & Cook Islands ovpts (+ 3/-), 1963 set MLH & used, Airmail ovpts to £1 plus later extensive in rather mixed order with sheetlets, M/S's, defin values to $10 (1967 MUH, 1992 used), 1974 Shells to $10 & OHMS ovpts to $6. Also 1980 "65th Birthday" ovpt on $10, 1984 Corals to $5 plus commems well covered with a few used scattered through the 1970's-1990's. (100s)